Tuesday, July 18, 2017 by Jayson Veley
For millions of conservatives and liberty-minded Americans across the country, January 20, 2017 was a day of celebration. This day not only marked the end of Barack Obama’s time in office, but also the end of the suffering, chaos and economic turmoil that the people had been suffering from for eight long years. Indeed, it is a fair statement to say that President Obama was the single biggest domestic threat to the United States that this country has ever seen. Had he completed his fundamental transformation, then America, as well as the principles of liberty and individualism it was founded on, would have been completely destroyed.
Just four days after Barack Obama officially took his last step out of the Oval Office, Mike Adams published an extremely blunt yet entirely accurate “goodbye” piece for the outgoing president.
“Leaving the White House is ‘sleeper cell’ Barack Hussein Obama, an enemy of liberty, a serial liar and someone who meticulously followed a Soviet-style plan of subversion to systematically destroy America,” the Health Ranger wrote. Adams added that he hoped President Trump would make an effort to look into some of the “anti-American hucksters and mafia bosses who ran his regime,” such as Lois Lerner, Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder.
Mike Adams is absolutely correct – Barack Obama was an enemy of liberty who sold out this country time and time again. The 44th president really did have a Soviet-style governing strategy, even though there is a case to be made that Obama didn’t govern at all. He was never interested in doing what’s best for the country; for eight straight years, his mind was fixed on the systemic destruction of the United States of America.
In order to take down the most successful constitutional republic in the history of the world, Barack Obama knew that several things had to happen. He had to gut our military and set in motion a pattern of apologizing and appeasement on the global stage. He had to create mass chaos and division by putting individuals into categories and then pitting them against each other – white versus black, rich versus poor, gays versus straight people, and so on. He knew that he had to discard the rule of law and erode the United States Constitution, because it is impossible for the progressive movement to advance while the Constitution still exists in its original form.
This is how Barack Obama began the process of transforming America into something that it’s not, and certainly something that the Founding Fathers never intended it to be. But in the months leading up to the 2016 presidential election, Obama knew that he needed a backup plan in case Hillary Clinton was unable to secure the election and keep his legacy alive. That’s why before he left office, Obama set up a cyber war with Russia in hopes that it would be enough to tear apart the new Republican administration.
As USA Today reported back in June, “President Obama, angered by Russian hacking during the 2016 elections, authorized a covert cyber operation to deploy ‘implants’ in Russian networks that could be triggered remotely in retaliation to any future cyber aggression by Moscow.”
USA Today goes on to explain that these implants “could be activated in the event that Russia attacked a U.S. power grid or interfered in a future U.S. presidential race.” It’s extremely likely that these implants have since been activated, thus setting President Trump up for four years of tension between the United States and the Russian government.
The former president really has set up a “sleeper cell” to take down President Trump, and he is doing it with the help of the mainstream media and a handful of far left government officials. Barack Obama was a radical president, and now it appears that his political ghost is just as radical.
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Tagged Under: Tags: barack obama, Collusion, cyber war, cyber warfare, Donald Trump, President Obama, Russia, Traitor, treason